Our names are Michelle Emerson and Bridget Spackman and we are here to make your life easier by helping you master your time, organization, and productivity as a teacher!
Bridget has been a classroom teacher since 2012 and teaches a multi-age class in Pennsylvania. She is passionate about literacy instruction and has developed her own method called Bridging Literacy.
Michelle began teaching in 2014 and taught multiple grade levels in different districts across Maryland. While teaching full time, she balanced being her school's e-Coach, serving as team lead, coaching multiple after school teams, running her own business, earning a master's degree, co-authoring a book, training for multiple marathons, and more. She now lives in Austin, Texas and focuses on teacher professional development full time.


A podcast all about time management, organization, and productivity for teachers!
Together, we share our TOP strategies to help you maximize your efficiency as a teacher while simultaneously decreasing your stress and frustrations.
Teaching to the TOP podcast delivers easy to implement tips and tricks for the classroom teacher.